

Barrera activa que combina el sistema de telas de fibra de vidrio resistente al fuego y agua para protección contra incendios forestales

C. Viegas

In Incendios forestales: Amenazas y oportunidades ante los desafíos de un entorno cambiante, 167-184.
PREVINFO Soluciones A.L. Alicante, 2019.

Nuevo UAV de peso ligero con propulsión multirrotor y chorro de agua para lucha contra incendios forestales

C. Viegas

In Incendios forestales: Amenazas y oportunidades ante los desafíos de un entorno cambiante, 213-223.
PREVINFO Soluciones A.L. Alicante, 2019.


Heat transfer model of fire protection fiberglass thermal barrier coated with thin aluminum layer

Pereira, D. J.; Viegas, C.; Panão, M. R. (2021)

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 122301

Automatic forest fire danger rating calibration: Exploring clustering techniques for regionally customizable fire danger classification

Júnior, J. S.; Paulo, J. R.; Mendes, J.; Alves, D.; Ribeiro, L. M.; Viegas, C. (2022)

Automatic Calibration of Forest Fire Weather Index For Independent Customizable Regions Based on Historical Records

Júnior, J. S.; Paulo, J.; Mendes, J.; Alves, D.; Ribeiro, L. M. (2020)

In 2020 IEEE Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE) (pp. 1-8):
IEEE url:

Analysis of the wind flow and fire spread dynamics over a sloped–ridgeline hill

Abouali, A.; Viegas, D.X.; Raposo, J. R. (2021)

On the non-monotonic behaviour of fire spread

D. X. Viegas; J. Raposo; C. Ribeiro; L. Reis; A. Abouali; C. Viegas

Active Barrier Combining Fire-Resistant Fiberglass Fabric and Water Sprinkler System for Protection Against Forest Fires

C. Viegas; R. Batista; A. Albino; M. Coelho; J. Andrade; D. Alves; D. X. Viegas


Poste de madeira anti-fogo, respectivo invólucro, estrutura que os compreende e barreira táctica anti-fogo

C. Viegas. 2019


Autonomous Targeting System for a Firefighting Drone - Compensation For Wind Disturbance

José Correia

2021, Master thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra

Autonomous Targeting System for a Firefighting Drone

Gonçalo Rodrigues

2021, Master thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra

Mechanisms for Active Protection of People and Infrastructures against Forest Fires

Rui Batista

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2018, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Structural design and analysis of an active forest fire propagation barrier

Miguel Coelho

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2018, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Thermal modeling and development of an active water-cooled fire-proof barrier

André Albino

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2019, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Implementation and testing of an active intelligent barrier system for wildfires

José Pedro Andrade

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2019, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Water jet modeling and characterization for application in firefighting technologies

Guilherme Veríssimo

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2019, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Close-loop control for an active water- cooled fire-proof barrier

Samuel Salgado

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2020, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Thermal modelling and development of an active water cooled fire-proof barrier

David Pereira

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2020, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Autonomous Targeting System for a Firefighting Drone - Compensation for Wind Disturbance

José Pedro Correia

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2021, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Autonomous Targeting System for a Firefighting Drone – Detection and localization of hotspot

Gonçalo Rodrigues

M.Sc. Thesis, DEM, FCT, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2021, Supervised by Carlos Viegas

Implementation of control, localization and navigation systems for autonomous forest machines

Rodolfo Félix

M.Sc. Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2021, Supervised by Carlos Viegas