Research Areas
such as mobile and service robotics, cognitive robotics, autonomous robots, remote sensing, drones, satellite data, embedded systems, automation, fire engineering, fire protection and fire fighting, in close collaboration with relevant industrial partners, to address pressing issues concerning the environment, climate change, forest and agriculture.

F3 – Development of a self-sustaining nozzle system
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033616 Duration: 2018/10/01 - Current

ADAI – Inovar, melhorar e crescer sustentadamente
Reference: CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000038 Duration: 2018/12/01 - Current

FIREFRONT – Real-Time Forest Fire Mapping and Spread Forecast Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Reference: PCIF/SSI/0096/2017 Duration: 2019/03/01 - Current

INFORMAT – Intelligent Forecast Man
Reference: ESA BIC PT 29/2019 Duration: 2019/10/15 - Current

IMFire – Intelligent Management of Fire
Reference: PCIF/SSI/0151/2018 Duration: 2019/12/01 - Current

NATO – Novel Active Fire Modelling and Prediction methods using Manned and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles
Reference: AVT-SP-007 Duration: 2020/01/01 - Current

SafeForest – Semi-Autonomous Robotic System for Forest Cleaning and Fire Prevention
Reference: CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-045931 Duration: 2020/03/01 - Current

rePlant – Implantação de estratégias colaborativas para a gestão integrada da floresta e do fogo
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046081 Duration: 2020/07/01 - Current

F4F – Forest for Future
Reference: CENTRO-08-5864-FSE-000031 Duration: 2021/01/01 - Current

E-Forest – Framework multi-agente de plataformas robóticas autónomas de propulsão elétrica para a gestão da floresta
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047104 Duration: 2021/02/01 - Current

CONTROLVESPA – Development of strategies for the CONTROL of VESPA velutina invasion
Reference: PTDC/CTA-AMB/2123/2020 Duration: due to start in 2021/12/01

FIREPROTECT – Systems for the protection of persons and elements exposed to the fire
Reference: CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000015 Duration: 2017/12/01 - 2021/06/30
Development and deployment of innovative technology for real world applications, in close collaboration with the industry

“Barrera activa que combina el sistema de telas de fibra de vidrio resistente al fuegao y agua para protección contra incendios forestales”